Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15, 2008

September 15th is “National Make a Hat Day.” Create your own hat and draw it on your paper. Describe your hat and explain who would be most likely to use your hat.

Here is my hat:
It's pretty good. Who would be most likely to use my hat? Oh, I don't know, maybe awesome bros who want to stop making hates for once?

Also, use a hat? No. Wear a hat, Daily Writing Prompts. Wear a hat. "Oh hey, can I use that hat?" "No, I'm using it right now. For wearing. The only thing you can really use a hat for. That and drawing names out of when you're trying to decide something fairly."

National Make A Hat Day, this goes without saying, but you are kind of stupid.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10, 2008

September 10th is “Swap Ideas Day.” Today or during the week, swap ideas with someone. This could be a friend, sibling, parent, teacher, neighbor, or anyone. And the idea can be about anything…just swap an idea!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 4, 2008

September is "National Library Card Sign-Up Month.” Do you have your own library card? (If you don’t, you should visit with your parents about getting a card.) Why do you think the public libraries are so important to our communities?

I totally DO have my own library card, so I can go gently touch books or awkwardly use my laptop in a confined space anytime I want.

p.s. "Visit with your parents"? Why do you talk like that, DWP?

p.s.s. Seriously, someone do the kid in this picture a solid and tell him libraries have study carrels and also tables.